On Sunday we had a service at church to dedicate ourselves to helping Britta to know Jesus early on in her life and to remember that she is a gift from God to us. We are honored to be her parents. Dr. Bakke read a meaningful verse for Britta- "I was cast into your [God's] arms at my birth. You have been my God since the moment I was born." ~Psalm 22:10.... What a special day for us to celebrate this precious little girl!

We dedicated Britta with 5 other little ones- 3 of them were born within 2 weeks of Britta!

Happy Dedication Day baby!

It's really hard to catch her smiles on camera!

I love my daddy!

AND my mommy!!

We are so glad that Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt came up for the occasion! They got to babysit all weekend since we were busy with a baby shower and a wedding!

Again hard to capture both girls looking at the same time! This one was kinda close....Glad that the Rusts were able to come down to celebrate!

Mari and Britta! Do you notice that Mari is holding "Bittah's Bankie"? She has an OBSESSION about Britta's blankie and will willingly give up her own (that is JUST the same, but purple) in order to get Britta's blankie.

Me-Britta, Brianna-Brendan, Katie-Landon ALL born within a couple of weeks of each other! We all grew up together at church, so what a special thing to dedicate these little ones together!

Grandma and Grandpa Leafblad and their favorite girls!

The Leafblad-Schmidt-Rust Gang
Our friends Ryan and Dana came to celebrate with us too! Thanks guys!

Bye Bye Grandma and Grandpa! Thanks so much for taking care of me this weekend!

Kisses from Grandma!
I think that shirt made my belly look extra big! I should've stood sideways so not to look like a giant whale!!!