Britta's first Christmas! She was a wonderful girl the whole weekend and loved every part of the Christmas traditions. First, we went to the Christmas Eve Service at church so the girls got all dressed up. 

Even baby Noelle made it to church that night!
And then of course, the next morning Britta got to open all sorts of presents! She loved that part....
She especially loved the squeaky bag....
And the tasty wrapping paper.....
And more wrapping paper....
And chewing on her new socks....
And her puffs....
And basically anything she could shove in her mouth.
And don't forget her new baby doll from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Leafblad.
And the squeaky box....
And her Britta-size giraffe (She is talking to him in this picture!)
Thanks for posting the pictures! I LOVE the dress and especially the ruby slippers. Too cute!