Britta is a wedding crasher! Ben and I have been to three weddings in the last three weekends and Britta has been to two of them with us. How many has she made it THROUGH? NONE! She doesn't seem to like the actual ceremony as much as we do! She's been a great guest at the receptions though. Maybe she just goes the food? :)
Mari loves her little cousin "Bittah- Bittah!" (As she affectionately calls Britta!)
Katie and Britta and Cousin Amy and Evangeline (Evie)
Mari loves the babies!
Silly girls! Check out Britta's face! I think she wants to Cheerios too! (I can't figure out how to rotate on this blog!)
Great Grandpa Van Buren- Britta loves her grandparents and great grandparents!
Loved the video! Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. :)