Britta has gotten to be SILLLLLLLLY. She was all cozied up on the couch the other day and I could NOT get her off of here for naptime. I had to drag her off!
Ponytail time!
Easter Sunday Morning. Look at those scrawny arms! Love this girl....
"Happy Birthday Easter!" was Britta's phrase of the day....
Not a baby anymore- she's a real little girly girl!
Ready for a nap before the Easter Egg Hunt....
My little Easter Bunny.
Follow that Bunny Trail to the Easter Eggs..... Mari is eyeing up Britta's Basket already!
First egg of the hunt....
Watching a "Mi-House" Show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with all of her "guys."
And then I came out later that day and here she is with a blankie cozied all around her like a veil. When I actually came out, she was holding it under her chin- so funny....