Friday, July 30, 2010

3 Months Old!

Can you believe that Britta is 3 months old already? Time flies! She is such a sweet little girl and we are so blessed to be her parents!

Her neweset thing is that she likes to "turn the pages" of her books. I like to think she knows what she is doing, but I think she is really just touching them and it looks like she turns them when I move the book. I don't want to underestimate her, but can a 3 month old really know how to turn a page?? Maybe??
Here is how Britta feels about turning 3 months..... Her "talking" has become more and more animated as she now likes to sort of scream when she talks!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Such a Grown up!

Look at Britta with her first pair of shoes! These are the first that she has worn. Britta's Grandma Leafblad was appalled that she went to church the other week without "church shoes" on, so this week, Britta really impressed everyone with her shoes! Daddy and Baby!
I kept trying to get her attention, but she was totally distracted by her cool new shoes!
WOW! Am I making them move!?!? COOL!
"Here I am visiting my daddy's old apartment that my mommy's friend Jessi now lives in. My mom thought it was important to learn a little bit of history of my parents!"
"YAY! I love mommy and daddy!"
"Cool apartment dad... Now- get me out of the sun!!"
Just talking with mommy.... happy girl!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Great Toe Discovery

Britta has found her toes and she loves them! She laughs, stares, and talks to her toes! She can see them best when she's in her Bumbo, so this has been a daily activity...

WOW- Look at those things! What are they!?!?
Ooooooo.... I can make them move!!Oh these things are silly!
Maybe I can touch them!?!?!
Have you ever SEEN such a thing!?!?

The best part is that I can talk to my toes!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Day in the Life of Britta

Lots of talking.... Tons of smiling...
Tummy Time.... Reading... (can you see the sort of dimple in her cheek?)
And more reading!! This is one of Britta's favorite books!
Kicking and flailing her arms...
And just being so sweet!

Britta and the Duck

Britta seriously loves "talking"- especially to her duck! This is my favorite part of the day with Britta!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mommy's Little Girl??

Well- we all know that Britta looks remarkably like her daddy- but I'm hoping that she looks a little bit like me too?? Maybe in the eyes and the hairline a little bit? Maybe a little bit in the cheeks?

Our Little Firecracker!

Britta had a great first 4th of July in Iowa. Ben's parents had a party for us with all of their friends and everyone loved meeting our little girl!
Great grandpa Schmidt! He is the baby-whisperer! Britta calmed right down when Grandpa held her!
Grandma Schmidt loved having Britta at home with her!
Story time with Grandpa.... ....and Grandma! Britta loves to read!
Aunt Becky and Uncle Gary came for a visit!
Britta loved meeting her Great Aunt and Uncle.
Hand Picked just for us!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Midsummer Festival

June was full of fun memories including Grandpa Leafblad's 85th Birthday Brunch....
Look at all of those Leafblads! Happy Birthday Grandpa! Grandma and Grandpa Leafblad have 8 great grandchildren- 7 girls and 1 boy! ...The Swedish "Midsommer" Festival that accompanied Grandpa's birthday. The festivities included flower crowns (ours were made by Ben!), and a dance around the Maypole!
She might have to grow into her crown a little bit! Isn't it pretty though? Real flowers woven together by Daddy! Britta and Zoey (friends of ours' puppy) having a Tummy Time Stare down...
Happy 2 month birthday Britta! Such a happy girl!
Our most recent discovery- she loves the Bumbo! She likes to sit and eat lunch with me everyday and we "chat" together.