Britta took her very first airplane ride to California to my cousin Leslie's wedding in Carlsbad! Only the "girls" went and the boys all stayed home and worked! Thanks for working guys! We had a great time with our family and helping with the wedding... Here are some great shots of Britta enjoying her time on the plane and at the wedding!
It was a nice "vacation" for Aunt Kelly because we left little Mari (my toddler niece) at home. We missed her little spunky-ness, but it was definitely easier rushing around without her!

It was so great to travel with a mom and sister who had traveled with little ones before! It was no sweat!

First airplane ride!

After eating on the way up, her ears seemed to do just fine and she was out in minutes! She slept in my arms almost the whole time!

First stop- playtime with cousin Evi... when Britta saw her she was inspired by all of the advnanced playing/rolling/scooting she was doing and Britta rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time! Thanks for the inspiration Evi!

Of course, we had to hit the In 'n Out Burger... not just once by two times in 3 days! WOW!

That burger is bigger than your head Britta!

Thanks for hanging out with me Aunt Terri!

Wedding time! How funny that Britta and Evi are matching! That wasn't even planned! Sorry Britta- I forgot a cute bow for you! I should've been more prepared!

Hi Cousin! Love you! Thanks for playing with me- I was gettting bored of all of the wedding errands!

TOO MUCH WEDDING FUN! This was even before the wedding started! Britta slept from 5:30 until 8:30- perfect timing because she slept through the wedding and a bunch of the reception!

Trying to get Britta to look at the camera is quite a challenge when she finds her feet so intriguing!

Even without the bow, Britta was adorable! Thanks for the cute outfit Ritzmans!

Mommy and baby! I just had the put this picture in because I think her face is so silly!